It’s been years since fans were promised The New Mutants, but this poor cursed film keeps getting pushed back and delayed. Though there was no news on that release—fans were likely hoping for the film to move onto Disney+ or to hear about an updated release date, of which there were neither—the studio did offer up a small concession during the movie’s Comic-Con@Home panel… the opening of the film.
If you want to skip right to the good stuff, turn on the video and go to mark 24:15 for the first scenes of The New Mutants. (There’s some extra trailer footage following it, though it’s hard to move on when you’re so close to actually seeing the film.) Or you could opt to hang out with its adorable cast and director as they fawn over their emojis, praise each other, and talk about what it was like to play their characters.
There’s some very cute info the romance between Rahne Sinclair (Maisie Williams) and Danielle Moonstar (Blu Hunt), with the director promising that their screentest together will eventually be a part of the extras once the film is released on video. Blu Hunt admitted to her own fears in jumping from a CW show (The Originals) to a major film, and how she panicked when she knew she had to arrive on set to “kiss Maisie Williams”. It’s incredibly sweet, and only makes it harder to wait for the movie.
The panel also contains directions for you to enter on Twitter to get a chance to see the film once we are all able to go back to theaters.
The New Mutants is supposed to hit theaters on August 28th, but… well, who knows?